Christmas...a time of year when so many people want to do good to others. Many people seem to get a joy in their hearts and a love for humanity that they don't always have during other times of the year. For the most part, the Christmas season is usually a joyful and very giving season, but why doesn't it last longer? Why does this feeling seem to end after December 25th or when the New Year begins?
I love Julie Andrews. She has a very beautiful voice and she sings a Christmas song called "The Secret of Christmas." In the song she sings, "It's not the things you do at Christmas time, but the Christmas things you do all year through." I am going to challenge myself for the remainder of this year as well as the New Year to try and do Christmas things all year through. Won't you join me? Let's keep this Christmas feeling in our hearts all year through! Do you have a secret of Christmas that you would like to share? If so, I'd love to hear it.
From my heart to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!