As I was getting ready this morning, I realized that I was completely out of my very favorite lip liner. I knew that I had another lip liner that I could use, but it was a little on the bright side and it definately wasn't my favorite. After deciding to use it, I was surprised to see how it brightened up my face and didn't look so bad. I actually began to like it and decided that before I'd buy a new one, I would use this one until it was gone.
It's funny how this lip liner incident would remind me of something more serious. I was reminded of this past July (2011) when my father was lying in an ICU room recovering from a triple bypass heart surgery and learning that the doctor had also found lung cancer. My dad sure had a lot to be discouraged with, but my dad told a pastor who came to visit him "We never had a lot, but we always had enough." Later that summer dad also learned that he had prostate cancer as well. He died that November, but he didn't die a bitter man. Dad didn't have a lot of time, but God gave him just enough time to tell all of his family everything that he so deeply wanted to say to each of them.
Sometimes in life we get discouraged. We wish we had more. We wish we looked different. But if you give God a chance, he'll show up in unexpected ways and sometimes those ways can be the most beautiful. I challenge you to try to look for God's hand in your life each day.
I dedicate this first entry to you dad...I love and miss you very much.